Intricate Native Style Jewelry
Intricate Native Style Jewelry
She makes incredibly intricate jewelry. Her earrings consist of 19 rows of teeny-tiny beads and each pair takes about eight hours to make. These native-style earrings began as a passion of hers when she was a teenager. They provided her with a creative outlet at a time when most are into mischief. After a twenty-year break, she found her passion for beading return after helping a friend fix their jewelry.
She gave away all of her tools and beads many years ago and had to start anew rebuilding her collection. When this creative compulsion returned to her she had no choice but to answer the calling full force. She wonders why she gave it up in the first place. The feeling is like returning to a lost love and she is grateful.
Onna has been keeping her fingers busy since the Spring of 2019 creating pair after pair.

Instagram: @onnamaya
Facebook: Onna Maya Meyer
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